The classic guestbook containing entries from 2012 – early 2022 and manual entries can be found here.
Hello hello to Mr Furman. My name is also Matthew. Im from upstate ny, am a libra, and havenβt got time for the pain. I have plenty for Carly Simon however.
Hi, thank you. We are doing well! A busy work schedule has slowed down the recorded pranks on her, however I can assure you I still drive her nuts daily! π
Hello there, just a surfer of the plain text web. I love your website and stuff. email me sometime you seem like a cool guy with similar interests as me.
dude i havbe been smoking pot all night and i have to say this is the single funniest website i have ever seen and i am so grateful for mr. matthew hell yeah
Your websites are sick! I’m a photographer and video editor and decided to make an early internet style website to hold my portfolio as well as other personal side projects so I was looking on wiby for inspiration and stumbled across your answering machine website. I’m definitely gonna be taking a lot of inspo from what you’ve made!
Bountiful kisses from France, the sheer size of your web of interconnected websites amazed us to no end.
We think that Jeremiah (the one working at your step mother’s hair salon) might need his own website as well.
Keep up the good work Matthew,
Hello hello to Mr Furman. My name is also Matthew. Im from upstate ny, am a libra, and havenβt got time for the pain. I have plenty for Carly Simon however.
What am I doing here? I ought to get to bed.
Hi! hope youre having a good year so far, what ever happened to messin’ with meagen? seems like yall are doing great. Cheers!
Hi, thank you. We are doing well! A busy work schedule has slowed down the recorded pranks on her, however I can assure you I still drive her nuts daily! π
Nice Website!
PLA all the way! PLA forever! Cactus cactus
Found you on wiby
Hello there, just a surfer of the plain text web. I love your website and stuff. email me sometime you seem like a cool guy with similar interests as me.
Great website! You should go on Prank Call Nation
muito daora – directly from brazil
cool! greetings from 2024
Hey matthew i’m al from germany, i found you with a website called
I love you’re obession with payphones, keep going
cool site
This is so cool! Greetings from Michigan
i wish i had the opportunity to meet the Gingerbread Man
came from wiby..very cool more
came here from after seeing The Debunk File video on exploring the old internet
dude i havbe been smoking pot all night and i have to say this is the single funniest website i have ever seen and i am so grateful for mr. matthew hell yeah
found ya on Wiby!! thought this was really cool {^x^}
Eselgang was here
this is so amazing, matthew is an amazing guy for this lil place, wish i could’ve experienced this internet but i was too young :'(
Your websites are sick! I’m a photographer and video editor and decided to make an early internet style website to hold my portfolio as well as other personal side projects so I was looking on wiby for inspiration and stumbled across your answering machine website. I’m definitely gonna be taking a lot of inspo from what you’ve made!
I thoroughly enjoyed your posts from the magic floppy website in the past & I just wanted to thank you for your time involved in putting it together.
I came in search of more info on the AT&T 8130. I recently bought one!
your website is great!!! defnetely ganna steal graphics for my own….. jk!!!
Hello! Came from Wiby! This is so cool
Bountiful kisses from France, the sheer size of your web of interconnected websites amazed us to no end.
We think that Jeremiah (the one working at your step mother’s hair salon) might need his own website as well.
Keep up the good work Matthew,
Thank You π I’m glad you like my websites. Karen is my girlfriend’s mom.
Hi from NC found you on wiby
greetings from Finland!
Hit random on, was not disappointment
love ur site! have a great 2024!!!!!!!
Found your site off another one called, which you should check out someday. Just saying that your site rules!
Love the site, Matthew. Happy New Year, Buster!
hope you’re doing well! glad i found this on π
Cool site my cat Bubby says Hi
Je trouve ton site incroyable mec.
Bisous from Paris.
I find your site amazing man.
Kisses from Paris.
I’m Jeff and I’m from Wichita falls, texas
best wishes for you and all the cats :3
Hello! Cool website!
Seeing bitmojis on such an old design of web page makes my stomache feel uneasy- You do you though lol
μλ νμΈμ~ Cool site!
Greetings from Sweden! π
writing from 2023 π – teanna
HotMan was here, i hope you have a great day
Fun website! I’ll be coming back later!
Love the pictures!
I like your website Matthew! It gave me a smile.
– Ryder from Texas
check out my cat
i saw a ufo
Welcome to the new guestbook!